I'm sure other people have the same, but boy am I having an off day today. You name it, it's gone wrong.
Started off so well with a lovely cuppa and slice of cake with a friend who I haven't seen for a while and then I started feeling sick and got a headache. Ok, so it was probably not best to start the day with a slice of coffee and walnut cake, but not completely nasty as it was homemade (no additives). So, I sit down and try and chill out a bit with a soluble paracetamol, as I was supposed to be going to cinema tonight, and check my email. Laptop won't load for ages and email account won't let me open an attachment, grrr.
Headache goes, but sickness stays. 'Perhaps I'm hungry' I think, so off I go and have something to eat properly, not to no avail, still felt sick.
Son gets up, we do a bit of sciency stuff; making a boomerang can and a walking water experiment with jars, coloured water and kitchen paper. Laptop wouldn't load up properly again to double check the experiment and then the printer decides it doesn't like printing pictures and goes so slowly we thought it had broke (not again, please). It hadn't and we finally print off what we've done.
Then I can't find a website I'm looking for, was there yesterday!!
Decide another cuppa required, but must hang out washing first.
No probs! Looking up, or so I thought.
Then dog coughs up a load of spittle and mucus (he's got an intimitant cough and occasionally spits up, but no blood and he's acting fine; he's also 12 years old, so not stressing him out with an unnecessary vet appointment), so floor needs doing and dog needs a bit of comforting.
Quickly nip back out in the garden to get a couple of courgettes and a delivery is made! Typical! Been in all day and the five minutes it takes to walk up the garden path, pick two courgettes and come back again is the time they deliver. Anyway, grab the house phone just in case I can catch the delivery guy and he can nip back as I can't see him up or down the street, but he can't be far. House phone has lost signal and is squealing at me. Grab mobile and ring Parcel Force and end up with a ton of options that get me nowhere to the point where I hang up and try again. Get through finally to someone who says she will try and contact the driver and see where they are. However, it has now been 10mins since the delivery so I wasn't holding out much hope as he's probably in the next town my now.
Why am I chasing? Well, we preordered Destiny for the XBox and we were promised delivery today. However, I've also ordered juggling balls and a sugar thermometer (strange combo, I'll admit). Had emails this morning saying both game and balls have been dispatched. So is the delivery the game or the juggling balls. My son is having a minor meltdown as he wants his game and I'm annoyed because of the damn five minute rule where delivery people wait outside your house with their xray lasers waiting for you to leave before delivering, so you have to walk up the high street the following day and so totally defeat the idea of getting a delivery. I'm also miffed as a game would normally come via Royal Mail through the normal postal service and would go through the letter box, so I'm assuming parcel is juggling balls. But we've had no post yet (seems to get later and later every day) so I'm not entirely sure if we just have no post or he's incredibly late today.
During all this mental meltdown and grrring, I also nearly burnt the dinner I'm making; my headache has come back and I need a sit down.
To cap it all, google wouldn't load blogger for at least three attempts, my tea went cold and I've decided that all I want to do is have a hot bath, put on fresh pjs and start packing for my weekend away, so I've cancelled my cinema night with the girls as I just won't be good company.
Had a day like this a few weeks ago, cosmic energy is obviously not happy with me. Fairies alone knows what I've done to upset it. Perhaps I didn't bang my drum loud enough at the moon last night, or maybe I banged the drum too loud, whatever it is, I hope it plays nice tomorrow.
Oh and now I have a paper cut!! FFS
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