Okay, Mother’s Day today, so happy mother’s day to you all and I hope you have all had a good one!
I know that many of you out there will have spent your day with your family and mothers, grandmothers and possibly great grandmothers, but I had a perfectly quiet afternoon in front of the DVD player. My son and partner were in the house, but they left me alone. They know I love my movies and, because of home edding, it’s rare to be able to watch movies at a reasonable hour and to be able to watch ANY movie I like.
I had a film fest last Saturday when Callum went off to his friend’s and Phil pottered about the house and it was wonderful. So, when asked what I’d like, I replied “another movie afternoon please”. I know that neither Phil or Callum (or us as a whole to be honest) have a lot of money, so I didn’t want loads of things bought that would have cost a lot and I’d probably never use. My daughter bought me a fresh supply of skincare from Clinique which was ab fab as that is very expensive and I love the stuff. So thank you very much Terri. But as to P and C, I asked for a peaceful afternoon.
Don’t get me wrong, I love my partner and my son and I love home educating him and having him around, but the joy of spending some me time is a wonderful luxury too.
So, last week, I had an assassin weekend with Hitman and Leon with a bit of Lock Stock thrown in at the end. This weekend I fancied pure escape and went for alternative reality. Starting with Inception and followed by The Matrix. I do have a bit of a thing for this type of movie. I love the questions they raise; that whole “could this be real and reality not real” kind of thing. I’m not a great fan of Matrix 2 and 3, but the original is brilliant.
So, the questions are: has anyone had a dream within a dream? Also what is déjà vu? And do other people have dreams that are so real that they seem like an alternative life? If so, do you miss them when you awake?
I’ll answer them from my point of view in the order above.
Yes, I have had a dream within a dream and it was bloody freaky to be honest! I can’t remember what the original dream was about, but I know it was scary and I woke up! I turned over and said to my then boyfriend that I’d just had a bad dream and he turned to face me and started talking in this really awful voice, like he was possessed. I then woke up for real! I’ve never had one since and I never want to, but it was rather disturbing at the time.
What is déjà vu? Actually I can’t answer that one as I haven’t the foggiest, but I do remember having a very distinct case of it when on a school trip to the Cotswolds. I felt like I’d been down the street we were on before and I knew that there was a certain shop in the next one, but I also knew that I’d never been to the Cotswolds before. However, round the corner, there was the shop! Was that déjà vu or just luck or a case of previous life experience or a glitch in the matrix? I don’t know but it was very, very weird!
As to dreams being so real that they seem like alternative lives, I have those often. Consecutive dreams, like serial dreams, but a bit more disjointed and sometimes repeated. But they are very real. I can almost go into a dream from where I left off, but, as mentioned in Inception, I can’t remember where the dream originally starts from. It does always appear to be bang in the middle.
I rather like these dreams. They are escapist dreams; dreams where, even though everything might not be perfect, it is always resolvable, always ends up right. I’ve had extreme arguments and fights in these dreams, but they always turn out ok. Life is often extreme in them. Maybe they are moments that I’ve missed out on and my mind replays what might have happened. Some are completely bizarre and never make sense at all when awake, but make perfect sense whilst dreaming. And do I miss them when awake? Hell, yeah! I love dreaming! I love my life, but I love dreaming just as much. In fact, I love sleeping, haha.
Does that make me a bad person? I don’t think so. I think it makes me a patient person and probably keeps me sane (although some of you reading this might now think I’m completely mental). No matter what life throws at me, and believe me it can throw hard sometimes, I always know that at the end of the day the dreams will be waiting. I’ve solved problems in my dreams, I’ve had ideas and breakthroughs in my dreams and that has helped in the real world. And when all is said and done, who’s to say that the dreams aren’t real and this ‘awake’ life isn’t!
Happy dreaming!