Tuesday, 30 August 2016


Right we are back to normal; whatever that means.  In this house it means that my son has finished his two week break and is, currently, back at his training group and my partner has, after having a mid summer meltdown, back at work; so I can get back to some sort of routine.  Saying that, I'm not a lover of routine which, when you live with two ASDers, is a bit difficult.  I'm much more of a wake up and see what happens kind of person so having the house to myself for three days a week is rather lovely.

So, today, I attacked the 'so called dining room'.  It's a 'so called dining room' as we never actually eat in there apart from when we have guests.  It's actually the 'dump everything off on the table as you walk through the house room' although it does, occasionally, turn into the 'sewing room' or the 'model making room' and if there is no room on the table it's the 'dump everything wherever you can find a space room' including the floor, chairs, trolley, printer, etc; any surfaces you can find really.  Now I haven't attacked the dining room since.....I can't remember to be honest so I knew it was going to be a bit of a mess.  The table was buried under god knows what, there were a stack of cardboard boxes that I was keeping 'just in case' and I wasn't entirely sure if any of them actually had anything in them still and the printer and it's little cabinet it sits on was buried under a pile of paper.  Hmmm, cup of tea required before we start me thinks.

Anyway, three quarters of an hour later and I now have a dining room with a clear table!  Woo Hoo!!!  The boxes didn't have anything in them apart from more boxes, bits of cardboard, some bubble wrap, old newspaper and an interesting looking carrier bag which turned out to be totally uninteresting as it was empty.  Hrumph!  I did find the radiator key (??) on the table along with more random bits of paper, the mechanics of a light/magnifier for making models with, some long red candles, a wind up torch, a bag of Halloween masks (??? again as I know I've tided since then more than once), various tablecloths and a bunch of table mats and coasters, oh and several bits of broken stationery like pens, etc.  Also found my son's training certificates!!!!  Glad they didn't get thrown out by mistake.

I didn't find many dust bunnies; they were more like dust wooly mammoths.  There was a lovely silky cobweb that ran the whole length of the alcove that the printer sits in and the window sill and trolley that sits in front of it looked more like the housefly graveyard than something you can wheel your tea things around on. All in all, pretty yucky!!  But it is now done; yay!

How long it will stay that way I do not know and I'm not taking any bets on how long the table will stay clear although I don't think it will be long.  Tomorrow I'm hoping to attack the front room although that is in a much less awful state; mainly dust to be honest.

I know you are probably thinking that if I did it more regularly it wouldn't end up such a state, but, guess what, I tried that and I just ended up doing it more and more often.  The dust didn't get less, the 'stuff' didn't stop being dumped and the cobwebs still kept coming.  I hate housework, as you probably have already guessed, and for me to do it one day only for it to look like I haven't done anything the next is rather soul destroying for me so I leave it and then attack!!  It doesn't take that long before I've had enough of it and end up doing it and I wouldn't say that my house is dirty, just dusty and untidy. I don't leave food lying about and any spills are cleaned away, bins are emptied regularly and those things that have a place are put back in their place, usually!  I'm just not a houseproud, dust, polish and hoover kind of girl and if you don't like it, you don't have to come in.

Quentin Crisp once wrote “There is no need to do any housework at all. After the first four years the dirt doesn't get any worse.” and I have a little book that quotes "since housework is always there waiting for me, I might as well go ahead and do what I want."

These two quotes are my mantras when it comes to housework, especially the latter one as I'm not sure I'd have the capability of waiting four years for the dust to stop mounting up in the former.  I do housework when the mood takes me and then it's blitzed; the rest of the time I go and do far less boring things and so should you. 


1 comment:

  1. Joan Rivers used to say "I can't see the point of housework - you put in all that effort and 6 months later you just have to do it all again!"
