Friday 6 July 2012


Howdy folks; sorry I'm listening to Gangstagrass again. For those that don't know they do a mixture of bluegrass and rap; it sounds strange but it works and I love it.

Anyway, after having a very fab and productive and enjoyable week, I woke this morning at 5am and was wide awake. Not a problem, I thought, early up, catch up with some telly and chill out. So I did until 7am when I was actually having trouble keeping my eyes open, so, knowing that my son would be up pretty soon, I decided to have a doze on the sofa. Sure enough approximately 40mins later he was up and so was I. Didn't feel too bad, but knew that it would be a slow day. We weren't planning on anything anyway, so we could take our time.

First job of the day was to ring up my mobile phone provider and sort out a new phone with a new contract. My phone literally died, passed away, went to the mobile heaven in the sky yesterday. Buttons refused to work and it kept throwing random 7s at me on the screen; luckily it wasn't 6s otherwise I'd have been a bit scared. After being passed from one department to the next to the next and having to give the same information to each one, I lost my rag and, ashamedly had a bit of a go at Andy, the guy who was supposed to be helping me out. I did apologise after my little rant and we then went on to having a half hour conversation about phones accompanied with lots of silliness and giggles, resulting in me getting a very good and satisfactory deal for the next 2 years. Thank you Andy!

Next was sorting out the washing as we or rather he, my son, was fast running out of clothes. So washing was put on and a cuppa made, but its pouring with rain and I can't put my son's trousers in the tumble dryer, so have no idea if I'll get them dry or not by tomorrow.

Then off to do the one last thing on our list of home ed things for the week, which was making a very simple colour spinning wheel. Really not that difficult; all you need is a compass to draw a circle, some coloured pencils, white card and a protractor. First thing that went wrong was we couldn't find any white card. We have a box full of card and we had every colour under the sun except white! Next I couldn't find the protractor or the compass which I know we have. Searched every cupboard and every drawer but nothing. Decided to go old school and use a cup to draw round and cut out; folding to find the centre and then drawing on lines to attempt to divide up. Just doing that when, low and behold, we found the protractor! Hoorah! Lines and segments properly measured and drawn. Then colouring in the segments - check! Pencil pushed through, spun worked. Coloured card turns white (well, greyish). Brilliant! Turned around to get camera out and found, you've guessed it, the damn compass! Grrrr! Never mind; a successful experiment done. Let's get the bluetack and fix the coloured disc to the little fan we made and watch it spin at speed...... no bluetack! Luckily we found a small blob of it at the back of the drawer, so all good.

Afternoon went well, no hiccups, no traumas.

Then this evening, it's beginning to go downhill again. Boys have been playing on the Wii and there has been a lot of shouting over a game. Wouldn't mind if it was brothers bantering, but no it's father and son and it's father shouting at son. Hmmmm, not good, but at least son is now answering back. They then carry on well past their usual time and just as I'm looking forward to chilling out for an hour or so by myself, I'm getting a bit tired by now, my neighbour over the road decides to have her girlfriends over and they have the front door open and are squealing and shouting like girlies. Why that woman never shuts her front door I do not know. Last week it was music, this week its squealing girls. For God's sake women keep your private life private and stop making the rest of us have to put up with it. It's only when she doesn't have her little boy and I don't begrudge her having a night off, but she lives next door to a family who has little ones, you'd think she'd be a bit more caring, but then again, her neighbour doesn't seem to ever complain, no-one does, so maybe it's just me!

So I'm now sitting here, getting more and more agitated the more tired I get and I'm listening to music through my headphones in the vain attempt to drown out the noise. Please, please, let it pour down with rain in a minute, she might actually shut the damn door and we can have some peace. Oh and to cap it all my headphones have decided that they will only work in one ear!! The other one has died. So I'm going to have to buy new ones.

Well the week started well, continued brilliantly and ended like shite! Hey ho, thank goodness for Gangstagrass! Always makes me happy (or at least happier).

Cya, moan over!

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