Sunday 26 May 2013


Am in a funny mood today!  Want to do something, but don't, if you know what I mean.  I have a list of jobs that need to be done, but, after looking at them, I need to either buy stuff, which I can't until Tuesday as have no money until then, or ring people and it's bank holiday so no-one about until Tuesday (again).

There is some gardening jobs I could do, but I'm really not in the mood as my neck and shoulders really hurt and one of the jobs involves digging!  I'm not in the mood to sort out photos or set up the new printer.

I could weigh up the EBay stuff I want to sell, but Phil around and he'll start asking questions.  He's already asked me what I wanted a bin liner for earlier! Why the hell does he think I need a bin liner?  Does he think I'm going to dress up in it or make curtains from it or decorate the wall with it?  I need a bin liner as I have rubbish to put in it you stupid man!

So, I have sorted out the corner under the window in the bedroom.  It has a baby box in it and all the Body Shop stuff, which was in several boxes.  I've managed to sort it all out and chuck out what was surplus and unnecessary, so the corner looks a lot tidier and hasn't got so many boxes in it.  I've also sorted out the computer corner where all the paperwork/home ed stuff is.  So filing done, rubbish cleared, recycling sorted, home ed stuff put away and tidied up.  Computer area now doesn't look as if it'll be lost forever under files, paper and science stuff; hoorah!

Apart from that though, I've not done anything else on this glorious sunshiny day.  My brain isn't feeling creative, so I'm not writing (apart from this).  I'm not knitting as I want to sort out the blanket before I start anything new and I need to go buy backing fabric and ribbon to do that.

So, what to do, what to do?

Hate moods like this (unusual in this weather), can't get motivated or enthused.  It may be because I was hoping to go to the cinema today and odd job tomorrow, but plans been changed so going to cinema tomorrow instead.  Brain not good at last minute changes; it gets a little confused and feels a bit at a loose end.  Hey ho!

On the plus side, I made a list of plants that I wanted earlier in the week and whilst outside pulling up some grass (so, yes, a teeny weeny bit of gardening done this morning whilst waiting for the kettle to boil) I discovered that one of the plants I wanted is already growing in my garden; just not in the right place.  Thought I had some, but wasn't sure, so checked it whilst drinking the tea I made from the awaiting kettle and it is!  Whoop whoop!  Just need to transplant it and hope it doesn't die!

Anyway, cya!  Hopefully I'll think of something to do so I don't feel like the day has been wasted.

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