Friday 11 March 2011


Hello all, well those that might still be reading/waiting for a post!

I am still alive, I just haven't really a) had time, b) had the inclination and c) had a computer that wasn't playing up!!!

Anyway, I'm back now! Have new computer which has taken me a few weeks to find my way around and at least another week to find all my favourties again. But I've got/am getting there!

What has been happening? Well, January we were all ill!! And I mean we were ill. I had the worst cold I've ever had. Lasted weeks and I felt soooo drained, all I wanted to do was curl up on the sofa and sleep. I ended up going to the docs, which I never do for a cold, but he only said 'rest, drink fluids and if not cleared in a couple of days, we'll do a blood test'. Well a couple of days went by and I started to feel ok, then a couple of days later I felt crap again and this went over for another couple of weeks. Needless to say I couldn't be bothered to go back to docs and just let nature take its course. Callum wasn't brilliant either, but he wasn't as bad. But now has had a cough for about two weeks. And as all the adverts on billboards are saying after 3 weeks, go see a doc, that's what I'll be doing if there is no improvement by next Friday. Luckily he seems ok in himself, just gets very tired!

On the plus side, my bedroom walls have been knocked back to brickwork and replastered so the evidence of turning 2 beds and a corridor back into a 1 large bedroom is not there and I don't have a gaping hole at the fireplace! New ceiling, but not plastered. AND P has started on the bathroom as well (which is off the bedroom), so now have old toilet, old bath, no sink and 1 wall half tiled + new ceiling (insulated) which has been plastered! Go Phil!!!!! ;-)

AND, yes there is another 'and', I've been out in the garden and making a start on getting it sorted out AGAIN!! As there is now no longer a dog trying to gain access to the garden and kill everyone (actually there is nothing at the moment, which is still a little daunting) I can hopefully enjoy my garden and get it to how I want! The aim is a nice peaceful oasis for medicinal plants and wildlife encouraging plants too with a small pond and stream if I'm lucky! Will take a while as I want trees too, but am not aiming to move in the near future unless I get surrounded by unsavouries that is!

The only other thing I've done and this was a bit mouth before brain! I've joined a Crafters Group and am now committed to make 5 things for 5 people before end October. Now that seems ok, but I haven't done any major crafting for ages, so it could be interesting and I could end up running about like a headless chicken at the beginning of October with nothing done! Hey ho, that'll teach me! Especially as I'm already knitting a jumper for my daughter!

Right, that's all I'm doing today! I just wanted to catch up and fill in the gaps. Am hoping that now I'm back on here I can do some more regular posts, but I've said that before without success, hehe!


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