Sunday 2 October 2011


Okay, I've been pretty good with the whole Callum's World blog recently, but I have to admit that this one has lapsed into oblivion.

Does this mean that I haven't had anything to moan about lately; no it doesn't! But I have been rather busy and rather knackered, so doing one blog was enough!

Soooo how am I feeling on this delightful sunny weekend in October? Well I was feeling rather good, hot, but good until today. Got woken up at 8am with a cup of tea made by my beloved Callum which was nice, but wasn't really the time I was thinking of waking up as I've been getting up between 7am and 8am all week and really fancied a lay in to at least 9am this morning, but as he'd made me a cuppa I couldn't really complain.

Laid there until 9am anyway before getting up and hogging computer for an hour or so. Then it was wrap present, make a quick card (we didn't have any suitable) and then off to delivery said present.

Weather was hot! Very hot! I don't do heat! I hate heat!! I especially don't do heat in October when it's supposed to be cold!!!!!!! Grrrr!

Anyway, got to the party house (not that we were staying for the party), gave out present and watched him open it (aaaah, warm fuzzy feeling), received big hug and got offered a cup of tea....half hour later I've still not received cuppa although others have. I know I shouldn't complain; everyone was very busy getting ready for the party and I did just sit there. But in my defence the kitchen is small and there were already 4 adults in there busy cooking, etc, so I didn't think hanging about getting in the way was such a good idea. I know it wasn't my friend's fault as I know that she was very hard at work with a house full already with still an hour to go before the proper party started and it was her partner that had offered the tea, but I have to admit I was a bit peeved, especially when others were getting tea and I wasn't. Sorry, totally pathetic and childish, but I don't care. (Stamps foot like big spoilt brat!) Grrrrr!

So, anyway, before the party started proper we left as we weren't intending to stay on anyway. Weather still hot!! Grrrrr!

Walked home, boiling ourselves on the way and trying to dodge into shadows as much as poss. Decide that we will get an ice cream on way...but shop at top of hill is shut! It wasn't shut on the way there! Grrrrr!

Callum suggests the pub, but then I mention the garden will be in full sun, so we decide that's a bad idea. Up the road we walk, looking forward to a cool house and a cup of tea, when, on rounding the corner, my partner's car is still there; he's not left for work yet! Grrrr!

Means that the kitchen will still be out of bounds (he spends all weekend in the kitchen doing one thing or another and trying to work around him is a nightmare). So we decided to wander off to another corner shop to buy previously mentioned ice creams. By this point we both want drinks as well. It feels like a long walk, back the way we came almost and it's uphill. Grrrrr!

Aaaaah lovely cool shop, lovely cold drinks and ice creams! Refreshed slightly. Come home, partner still in, but we are both ok about it until we open front door and there he is watching a war film! Grrrr!

So onto computer I go to Facebook, check mail, check out some sites for Halloween party and generally laze. Why do I do it to myself. The computer world is supposed to connect us with others, it's supposed to enlighten, entertain and enthrall us, but all its done today is bloody piss me off (sorry about the language)! I couldn't find anything decent through Google on Halloween games, Facebook is driving me mad as it keeps changing its layout and as soon as I appear, people seem to bugger off! OK, I'm in a foul mood, but having a chat might cheer me up, so bloody talk to me you miserable bunch! Whoops, probably lost some friends now, but then I probably could do with a weed out. Never mind, those that know me, will know I'm just ranting and don't mean anything nasty! Soooo grrrrr to Facebook too!

Anyway, I've grrrrred my way through the day today! Have had no real reason to be grrrrry, but just have been. Hopefully weather will cool down and we'll get some rain soon. I'm sure there's a quote somewhere about heat and the human race getting irritable, but I'm not even going to attempt to find it as that will annoy me if I can't and having a moan up has made me feel better.

Love you all, my loveliest of friends. Just ignore me! I'm a cantankerous old fart's the heat, honest, its the heat! xxxxxxx

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