Monday 11 February 2013


Well hello peeps.

Today is dreary weather.  So much so that although I woke up at 7am, I didn't feel like getting up, so had a bit of a laze until 8am.  Callum wasn't up anyway, so no rush.  Had a lovely cuppa in peace apart from the dog wanting to, stupidly in my opinion, go outside.  He didn't do anything, just stood at the bottom of the steps and stared into the garden.  Bearing in mind it was snowing and very wet, I thought he was a bit of an idiot.

Once Callum was up and we'd had our usual cuppa and discussion of the day he went off for a shower and I got on prepping for the day.  Magnets still (see other blog - Callum's World).

Tonight I'm slightly peeved with other half (what a surprise).  He's come home, as usual of course, looked at the dog who is wagging his tail and said "you don't want to go out in this do you?" and promptly not taken him out!!!  What is annoying is that he's getting worse at taking him out.   If we knew in advance when he wouldn't take him Callum and myself would attempt to squeeze in a walk during the day.  But when we've suggested taking over before, he's moaned as he says he likes taking out HIS dog as it gives him wind down time.  However, it does appear that this is becoming more of an effort for him to do.  Might have to sort out a rota for dog walking.  Some days are pretty impossible for us to take him out and others are really easy, so it may be a case of saying when we can do it and when he should do it.  It really isn't fair on the dog though and, although I'm not trying to make excuses, it's easier for Phil at this time of year in the evening that it is for us as he drives and we don't.  To get anyway after the knowledge of 'no walk today dog', it's often getting dark and it would definitely be dark by the time Callum and myself got anywhere suitable.  Hence the reason I'd like to know in advance.  Anyway, moan over.  Said yesterday that the 'no moaning' wouldn't last.

Tonight I plan to get on with the knitting and sort out pancake mixture for tomorrow.  Don't forget it's Pancake Day folks.


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