Monday 25 March 2013



My previous home of 10 years didn't have a shower and, so, when we moved to this house, I wanted one.  Partly because my son prefers showers to baths and partly because.....well, I wanted one!  So bath moved from one side of the bathroom to the other so that a shower could be put in over it giving us the choice (we have a sloping ceiling and the shower just wouldn't fit in where the bath originally was).

Now I know that there are many people out there who swear by their showers, love them, adore them, wouldn't wash any other way, but to be honest I'm not one of them.  I like my shower, don't get me wrong, but to me it's the quick option.  It's the 'eeek, I need to get out of the house in 5 mins' or the 'I'm hot and bothered and need to cool off' option.  It's the rush, lack of time, quick option which holds no joy to me at all.  I love my bath!

My bath gives me that 1/2 hour plus of me time.  It gives me that 'pamper' time.  It gives me that 'time to laze in hot water and meditate on the day' time.  I really do love my bath time.  Sometimes it is just a get in, wash, get out bath with maybe a mini laze to start with.  Sometimes it's a laze in hot water and read a book before having a wash and sometimes it's candles only, lots of bubbles and a total laze in hot water.

My point is that when I have my bath, I'm relaxed, I'm chilled, I get out clean and refreshed both physically and mentally.  When I have a shower, I get out clean, but I still feel harassed, still feel rushed, still feel like it's go, go, go!

There is nothing wrong with this, it has its place, but I'm sorry, give me a bath any day!!

How about you?

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